Physical Therapy
Skilled Physical Therapists at Ashley County Medical Center
The team of skilled physical therapists and assistants at Ashley County Medical Center are dedicated to providing our patients with the resources they need in order to gain maximum function and achieve as much independence as possible. We treat and prevent injury and illness through a variety of exercises and techniques that may include light, cold, water, heat, sound, and more. Patients work towards regaining strength and motion following an injury. The sooner physical therapy is begun after an injury or illness, the quicker recovery and results will follow.
Physical therapy can be used to treat the following, and more:
- Hip, knee, and ankle problems
- Neck and Back pain, strains, disc issues
- Arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis
- Vestibular, Balance, Concussion therapy
- Neuromuscular re-education
- Post operative rehabilitation
- Pelvic floor dysfunction including pelvic pain, urinary incontinence and constipation
- Generalized weakness, strokes, TIAs
- LSVT Big for Parkinson's specific training
Whatever our patients face, our experienced physical therapists can develop a personalized plan of care to address their needs. Once you bring your physician referral form to the physical therapy department, one of our therapists will evaluate your condition, and design a treatment program that will efficiently address the effects of your injury or illness. Depending on the patient, the treatment program may include balancing activities, heat therapy, exercise, mobilization, traction, electrical stimulation, soft tissue mobilization, laser and more.
Ashley County Medical Center is proud to provide advanced treatment and specialized care from skilled and experienced therapists. We approach each patient with a focus on the entire person. We don’t just focus on the physical aspect of the patient. By addressing the patient’s emotional and mental response to therapy as well, we are able to provide better support and encouragement to the patient. When our patients have a strong support system, they are more likely to apply themselves to reach their goals. This boosts their confidence, self-esteem, and overall success in our program.
For more information about our physical therapy department, call Kathy Launius-PT (Director) at 870.364.1243